I recently finished off a tutorial covering steps required to get real world data into Arma 3 (RV4 Engine) using only open source tools:
Whilst working out how to manage heightmap and satellite imagery within QGIS in preparation for loading into RV4 Engine, I discovered some interesting things along the way.
The first major issue reared it’s head following a GDAL update affecting the gdalwarp command, which broke a step I had been relying on – ‘Clip to raster by mask layer‘ I asked the question on gdal’s github page, and it was confirmed that I had to switch to use full extents, instead of the easier shapefile mask layer. See below original pipeline which mainly relied upon QGIS GUI config.
This lead me to invest more time learning the construct of the GDAL commands within QGIS’s python console. There is of course a lot more flexibility within command line than using the GUI.
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